4 Awesome Reasons to Have Your Eyebrows Microbladed

Beauty & Fashion Blog

There are so many new makeup and beauty treatments that are coming out all of the time, many of which are very appealing. One particular treatment that is very popular is microblading. This involves tattooing very natural-looking eyebrow hairs onto your eyebrows. This article is going to discuss four awesome reasons to have your eyebrows microbladed.  No More Filling Them In One of the biggest reasons why women find microblading appealing is the fact that they no longer have to fill their eyebrows in every single day.

28 February 2017

Got Frizz? 4 Ways To Tame Hair That's Naturally Coarse And Frizzy

Beauty & Fashion Blog

Unless you have an identical twin, there isn't anyone else like you on this planet. Your genetic traits and features play a big role in determining what you look like from the tips of your toes all the way up to your crowning glory, also known as your hair. If you have and always have had somewhat coarse and frizzy hair, it may have more to do with genetics than it does how you care for you hair.

27 January 2017